Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I don’t have a lactation fetish, or a pregnancy fetish, or even a MILF fetish….I just take what comes my way when it comes my way….so when out at the store and a hot mom in leggings walks by, I’m into it….or when I see a titty gets pulled out in public as part of a feed the nipple, feed the baby campaign, I’m into it…it’s tit…

There is obviously a lactation fetish, I am not deep in the scene to know whether the fetish is from the women who lactate trying to get jerked off to, or if the fetish is from the dudes who just love the idea of feeding off a tit like a baby…or a malnourished motherfucker in famine…or living off grid…connecting with nature…

Anyway….the point of the story is that these hook-up culture people, these self involved people, these career women, these people who love abortions, or who are on birth control, all have breeding fetishes…

They act like the breeding fetish is this unique thing that makes them racy or wild, bitches who like being cummed in, so wild…

It’s called being human…you idiots…we’re BORN with a breeding fetish….it is instinct….so lactation should give us all boners….especially when taken out of context and turned into PORNO.

Milky Boobs Monday of the Day January 16th, 2023