I don’t think this is Hilary Duff dead in bed, but who fucking knows with these rich people and their weird fetishes. It’s very likely that the sexual pervert Hilary Duff, who we know has fucked a bunch of dudes over the years and she has babies with multiple dad’s to prove it, probably needs to spice up her sex life, plus the whole acting thing lets her take on different characters, playing dead in bed would probably one of the easiest to do, I feel like that’s one of the first things you learn in acting school, how to be the dead character…
I do think that this is probably exciting for her pervert fans adnd really perverts in general, since it’s some chick laying with part of her tit out, armpit exposed, which is more than enough for an armpit fetishist who likes fucking armpits likey they are pussies…..
She is looking a little sculpted or built and greasy….which I guess is what you’d want from someone who’s armpit you’re trying to fuck….I mean otherwise it’d be like fucking sand paper, wouldn’t it…