Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I never had a breeder fetish, but the pandemic, that has left be in a state of post traumatic stress has totally re-aligned my thinking, and the only thing that makes sense to thwart evil, is to go back to tradition and spread the motherfucking seed to as many willing lesbians looking for donors as a motherfucker can.

If you’re giving a few loads a day, leaving them on your belly or inner thigh, or sucked back into you because you have a prostate issue, is a fucking waste.

The key to owning said balls is to breed and with breeding comes creampie fetishes, with breeding comes MILF fetishes, with breeding comes BREAST MILK fetishes…because it’s all part of the same anti-abortion, single lonely loser with cats.

Tradition baby. Spread that motherfucking seed people.


Milky Boobs Monday of the Day January 23rd, 2023