Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Getting naked or producing porn at work used to get people fired, but I guess with the pandemic, there’s now huge shortages of medical workers, at least in Canada, where the whole free medical care seems to be not working out so great for us as they encourage all sick people to get on Medical Assisted death that allows them to harvest organs harder than they were Selena Gomez, without having to pay them their disability, welfare or pensions…it’s a win for them…like people getting naked at work are a win for us, so the collapse of society is a win for all of us because nudity is hot, even when it’s in gross disease, virus and bacteria ridden scrubs covered in other people’s body fluids….

I mean, I think I’ll only have a medical fetish when in hospital with nothing else to fetishize by the ladies changing my diapers as I fart.

Medical Worker Monday of the Day January 30th, 2023