Taylor Momsen Bra of the Day

Taylor Momsen is taking the goth rockstar poser shit to the next level, even though it’s phony as fuck because she’s a candy coated Hollywood California rich kid, Sold to the industry at a young age which I guess is probably darker than the average mall goth who is mad at his parents for getting divorced or some shit…and by next level she’s doing her best corpse slut for the necrophiliacs out there, because sometimes goth rocker isn’t enough.

Unlike most necrophiliac straight from the morgue content, she’s turned her nipple into a ray of light…because you need some light to see the darkness right and she definitely needs to highlight the darkness her brains depends on it…so she has to remind us anytime she crawls out of her crypt that’s likely a mansion in the hills.



Taylor Momsen Bra of the Day January 31st, 2023