You may not know who Jordyn Jones is, since you don’t frequent the child dance reality shows like most of her creeper fans, that she’s got a lot of…which is unsettling.
At least I hope you don’t frequent the child dance reality shows, in a “I watch it for the articles” level of hiding your weirdness….
Anyway, despite the followers she makes the money from selling the nudes or the near nudes or the barely nudes to dudes hoping for nudes because they have no taste.
Why bother waiting for mainstream money when you can just cash in on the sad, lonely, internet monsters with credit cards.
The sad thing is you can get this kind of look at pose for free at the local Walmart.
You may not know this because you are on disability and don’t leave the house, but girls wear no bra tight shirts pretty much all the time…but why take it for free from a hotter normal chick, pay the girl who was once on tv…as a dancing child…weird.