Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

There’s a meme going around that may or may not be a real quote, but a fat chick said that the word obese is the equivalent to the N-Word but for fat people, and I’m like bitch, that’s just typical fat girl shit, playing the victim so hard that they consider a medical term that describes there medical condition, that has been proven to be unhealthy, to reduce quality of life, to kill people off prematurely and to make motherfuckers annoying and not just when you have to sit next to one on the plane.

It’s this victim attitude that got them fat in the first place, that kept them fat, blaming trauma, societal norms, anything but themselves for their overeating, their unhealthy relationship with foods, their lack of exercise, their crying when forced to exercise, you know it’s everyone’s fault but theirs…

Stop eating shit and exercise…what a concept right, calories in versus calories out, suffer and get results you fucking wimp…..but instead….they just compare medical terms to actual derogatory terms yet no one is cancelling them for that because everyone’s scared to upset the elephant in the room…..

Point of the story, these are big girls embracing being big girls, empowered by being big girls and at least they’re getting naked as big girls, because naked, even on big girls is fun to look at cuz it’s naked!

Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day February 1st, 2023