I forgot that Ariel Winter was a thing, I guess it’s because she stopped posting pics of her fat ass going to the grocery store with her tits spilling ou of her top like she was some kind of crackwhore struggling to survive on her diet of junk food and cookies….
I didn’t watch Modern Family, if anything I hate that that show existed, it’s just all part of the fall of society I guess….like most sitcoms are…as they push their propaganda on us and trick us into thinking that the shows are worthy of the money the idiots on said shows get paid…
I know a lot of people probably did watch the show so seeing her be some fat disaster in her real life was probably entertaining or erotic…since she had the sloppy tit….but to me she was always very troll like and still is.
Apparently this is her birthday stripper outfit, so this is her dolled up and looking her best and as far as I’m concerned she looks like she’s celebrating her 50th.
Seriously, she reminds me of a slutty rich mom on vacation at the luxury resort in Mexico after a few too many cocktails…but she’s really just a broken down young girl who looks like she’s at her retirement party….because the industry violates your soul so hard, even botox can’t save you.