Jenna Dewan Attention Seeking in a Lace Top of the Day

Step Up Stomp the Yard, a movie that I’ve never seen, is an expression I sometimes find myself saying when trying to describe something that is shitty. I say “That’s like Step Up Stomp the Yard”…..or when I’d see a stripper struggling in her dances I’d say “Step it Up, Stomp the Yard”…..because from what I remember that was the name of the shitty a movie….a shitty movie that back-up dancer, never in the front of the stage, Jenna Dewan probably holds near and dear to her heart because she seduced Channing Tatum on it and that’s likely been a very lucrative union or divorce…..

You know, she’s remarried but still collecting checks from that Male Stripper who like all Male Strippers is probably GAY FOR PAY, or was, that’s how you become top of the fucking charts like he did.

Anyway she’s rich, she’s a mom, she’s 42, she’s married, she probably has creepers DMing her romantic messages like “SHOW ME YOUR GAPING TATUM BUTTHOLE”….yet like so many other chicks, she’s compelled to post whorish content on the internet, pretending it’s fashion or letting the fans into her life because she’s a real person, just like them….and by real person I mean shameless exhibitionist seeking attention….aka a whore….just a rich , dialled in, connected, OLD as shit one.


Jenna Dewan Attention Seeking in a Lace Top of the Day February 7th, 2023