Cindy Crawford Slutty for Valentine’s Day of the Day

As it turns out, Cindy Crawford is not just whoring out her skinny daughter who is rich enough to be anything, but they’ve decided she should follow her mothers footsteps into the vile and disgusting cocaine filled fashion world with a bunch of try hard losers who think they are more important and fancier than normies because they work in fashion….

She’s also whoring herself out….still…at 100 fucking years old because she doesn’t want to lose her edge, her identity as a top MODEL…or whatever fucking scam they pulled with her in the 90s that really worked out in her favor….

I never bought into Cindy Crawford hype but when an old broad’s identity is being jacked off to and she continues trying to be jacked off to, especially when stupid rich and not needing to do ANY of this…even though I prefer the crackheads who have no choice but to do it…. I appreciate the effort…

Cindy Crawford Slutty for Valentine’s Day of the Day February 15th, 2023