Iggy Azalea Gets Racier in the Bath of the Day

So Iggy Azalea, who was once a female rapper I’d consider pretty much a pop star…because she had hits, the media liked her, the tabloids wrote about her, the paparazzi followed her, she got paid heavy money, people would go to her concerts, people would laugh at her silly fake ass, you know…she was a legitimate Hollywood creation from Australia…

Well, she’s now on a new cash grab hustle, onlyfans, where she’s progressively getting sluttier and sluttier, as they tend to do…they get the taste of the money, then they try to keep it fucking going as long as they can, to get as much money as they can and if they are the right kind of whore it goes from see through panties in the bath to full fucking.

We’re not there yet, but thinks are happening, headed in that direction and I like her a lot better now that she’s embraced whoredom instead of pretending she’s a legit “artist”…or “talent”….when we know it was all about the dick suckin…

UPDATE – NOW WITH TITS….hype dies fast, gotta do the most you can with it…

Iggy Azalea Gets Racier in the Bath of the Day February 16th, 2023