Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Fullback panties may be alienated, abused, victims of systemic racism, treated like shit, second rate panty citizens, all covered in shit and thrown into the corner until the next month’s period comes along and they need a rinse….

They may reserved for fat girls who can’t handle the pain from the sexier shaped or designed panty, or old ladies who have thrown in the towel, or now the young generation who wear them ironically because fuck having sex appeal, or putting yourself together, dudes will eat your dirty bikini panty wearing ass regardless of showers or hot lingerie, which I guess has always been the case for me, since I have jerked off on, in and to full back panties…not that I like discussing jerking off or my jerking off habits to a bunch of dudes like a fag, I actually hate that shit and prefer when people keep that information to themselves, I’m just driving a point home motherfuckers and that is that FULL BACK panties may be back, but to some of us, they never LEFT to get milk and some smokes at 10 pm one night only to never return like your dad. He never loved you.

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day February 17th, 2023