Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I never really trusted doctors, or thought of them as some higher intelligent beings, since all the doctors I’ve known outside of the hospital realm, have been total scum bag, alcoholic, drug addict degenerates with lots of money to pay for whores…..which I. guess worked out nicely when they were feeling generous…which was pretty much every time I socialized amongst doctors because they knew they were scamming the system and had guaranteed stupid income for the rest of their lives….

So the whole medical system, even in Canada seemed like a total fucking scam, where relatively unimpressive people who had money where able to get their licenses after years of schooling where they were taught how to REPEAT AFTER whoever is paying their leaders…

Obviously, I really don’t trust the medical system after all we’ve been through the last 2-3 years, but what I do know is that I appreciate that their own employees have even lost faith in their insular, god-complex, we’re heroes industry, because they are side-hustling posting nudes….

That’s a “I can’t get fired” or a “I don’t care if I get fired’….or “the real lottery win is selling themed nudes to people into jerking off to women at work, or women in healthcare at work….

It’s the only thing I like about the medical industry really, THE NUDES…the sluts, the sex work, and I guess the doctors when they finance those things because they’ve decided I’m good times….WHICH I AM….

Here are some medical workers.

Medical Worker Monday of the Day February 20th, 2023