Carmen Electra’s in the Bath…..of the Day

I don’t know why I hate on these old school, blast from the past, bolt on titty models, turned personalities, when it was harder for a hot chick to rise to the ranks of hot chick with the tits, because there wasn’t a social media to democracize the process, through social media fakery, gaming the system, buying fake likes and follows, doing other digital marketing tactics to secure the followers, including but not limited to showing as much tit as possible….basically taking the corporate interest out of the whole equation…we don’t need you MEDIA to TELL US what we find hot…

But yeah, Carmen Electra’s a fucking classic, I should be pumped that she’s not too rich and snobby to pull her tits out for the fans, because it’s what she likes doing, it’s what she knows…

Instead I should be celebrating it, because old broads can be desperate too, and there’s nothing wrong with that, if anything it HUMANIZES these bitches who some of you probably thought were so unattainable and high end….NOW you know just how basic and simple they are….that should inspire you….or at the very least make you want to look at their tits…

Carmen Electra’s in the Bath…..of the Day February 24th, 2023