Eva Amurri Looking Good In a Bikini of the Day

I first discovered Susan Sarandon had a daughter with big tits when she was cast on Californication…..

Not that I watched TV back then, that shit rots your soul and gets in the way of you wasting away at a dive bar with a bunch of fucking loser crackheads on disability, to make your choices feel like the right ones…”What, you just sit around and drink all day on government money, fuck, I have a website that makes no money but that was internet famous for about 12 minutes once in the last 18 years…..and a wife on disability I steal from, I’m so much better than you”…oh, adventures were had.

Anyway, Amurri was on the show, obviously cast for her GENETIC PREDISPOSITION to her mom knowing powerful people who get people cast and she pulled her tits out, which isn’t shocking now, but back then was a big deal…

What, a busty celebrity daughter with a ton of money, trust fund, status in her community of shitheads is WILLING to pull tits out for the role, I mean what is she, some kind of attention seeking whore who knows she has hot tits…that’s amazing…

She ended up getting married, moving on in life to breed, but she’s now a divorcee and back to the bikini ALL these years later…her tits, now mom tits, still big tits, and that’s always fun since tits bring life, feed life, inspire and fucking make us half retards….

The highlight of the tits is the reflection in the mirror of more tits, and the same tit, from a different angle tit…. it’s just a titty party, like a sausage party, but less gay.

Eva Amurri Looking Good In a Bikini of the Day February 24th, 2023