Iggy Azalea Panties of the Day

As a man who likes dirty panties, even though they are gross and I’d never buy them off a whore on the internet, but rather just steal them from your mom’s laundry hamper at your birthday party, or find them after I was dumped, or even pulled out of the wash before they are too washed at the local laundromat, in a seize the day moment…..I still think Iggy Azalea’s fake ass panties are potentially pretty gross….no necessarily from the smells, the seepage, the dripping of the fake ass juices out of her pours, but because she’s been pretty fucking gross to look at all these years she’s been race baiting, or race faking, or appropriating and not getting cancelled….

Her panties remind me of the dumpster that is her DUMPSTER…but yeah, for some reason, I have a new found appreciation for the rapper now that she’s lowered herself as a content creator on onlyfans, she spins it like it’s art, or like it is high concept, all part of her marketing, but we know it’s a cash grab, cry it being for feminism, to fight the patriarchy, to be empowered, INTELLECTUALIZE it, tell us it’s a social experiment, or social commentary, make it part of a Woman’s Studies thesis, BUT we know…it’s a cash grab…

And I like whores, so high profile women pretending they aren’t whores, when I see them as whores is annoying, but high profile women being whores is like “I KNEW IT” and for that level of truth, we must CELEBRATE….by staring at the panties….

LOOKING good Iggy, if that’s even your real name.


Iggy Azalea Panties of the Day March 1st, 2023