Kendall Jenner Boring in Bed of the Day

Kendall Jenner is wearing of her dad’s flamenco dresses, built with the cock hugging tuck support, now that he’s chopped off his own dick like some kind of schizo.

She’s dancing in bed drinking wine, possibly alone, but maybe with her YES men that she surrounds herself with and it’s far less hot than a masturbation video.

It’s like show us the vagina that Bruce used as a model to Become Caitlin after realizing he was born a woman in the wrong body after his maternal instinct kicked in after he shat out Kylie Jenner and realized she was alive.



Why wouldn’t she be boring? She only posts at the direction of her “team” and she doesn’t need to post anything of importance, she could do anything and the retards will like and follow, so why bother.

NONE of these high paid idiots bother trying to do ANYTHING good, other than productlines because they can become billionaires with them….it’s all VERY fucking boring.


Kendall Jenner Boring in Bed of the Day March 2nd, 2023