Bella Thorne Weed Wednesday of the Day

Bella Thorne is holding her bare tit and smoking because it’s Weed Wednesday and we tipped her off on what we do in these parts, or maybe she’s like most people, jut likes producing content around smoking her weed, being all pensive, deep in thought, could you imagine all the things going through her stoned mind….not that getting stoned is an achievement or all that interesting, but when the wrong idiots do it, and they play up being stoned, it’s painful.

I’ve also seen her in video a few times….where she plays up being hyped up and energized, despite being stoned, and she’s far better in photoshoot being still…and not screaming at me like some AI on TV in dystopian near-future sci fi movie…

All this to say, she’s holding her round, firm, tit.


Bella Thorne Weed Wednesday of the Day March 8th, 2023