Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Fatties unite….like the super heroes they aren’t…unless you think eating more than you burn is a super power, which by the way they talk about fat people in the media, I think they do.

As much as I like to hate on fat chicks because fatness is relatively vile and no matter how hard they normalize it or make fat sizes, it still represents not caring about your body, not loving yourself, not actually being fierce or fabulous, which is the kind of affirmations they give themselves, because I guess they are hormonally gay men….

Plus sized will always and forever represent overeating,lack of exercise, unhealthiness, more calories in than calories burned, which is ultimately, or supposed to be a turn off….because you’re programmed to want to drop your sperm in the most top notch WOMB…you know for breeding purposes and advancing the species….and fat is not top notch, it’s sloth, it’s chronic medical issues, it’s not treating the god given body with the respect it deserves…

I am fat, I live with fat, I know fat, you can’t shame me for shaming MY Own people….

But yeah, as much as I’m a no fat chicks allowed motherfucker, I’d rather fat chicks be naked than clothed, so these PLUS SIZED and empowered, who get more sex that any of you thanks to dudes being perverts into any willing pussy, it’s never a feat or an acheivement when a woman gets laid….

So for inclusivity, equity, diversity, LOVING THE FELLOW MAN, here’s some nude BIG girls to fetishize, to fantasize about watching eat until they explode from both ends, because they can, or just smothering you with their giant guts and titties….it’s a thing…

And really, if you are a fat chick, even if it’s gross to most people with taste, you might as well throw in the towel on shame and be naked and slutty, it’s fun, and life is about fun, since we are all going to die…..JUST DON’T BE MAD at us CYBERBULLIES for it, we don’t have to like or be into the insanity you post on the internet….just because you think it’s fierce or fabulous….but we can still like LOOKING at it for all the other reasons you’d look at viral internet content…like the comedy in it.

Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day March 8th, 2023