Feminist Friday of the Day

These braless may not be traditional feminists, but they could be the kind of girls who go along with the whole “be a feminist”, “be empowered”, manipulate men out of their money like a stripper putting on the hype moves when the lap dance songs start coming to an end so that she gets you in for another dance, only the internet version that has no human contact, just screens and keyboards in the privacy of your own basement dwelling sadness…

SO yeah, the real feminsts are the blue haired, dumpy, fat, lesbian looking man hating bitches, who also hate hot chicks, but have managed to manipulate hot chicks into being sex workers for their GENDER rights, or some shit….and I’m into it.

So yeah, Bralessness is more of a fashion statement than a political statement, so I should rebrand this post FASHION FRIDAY not FEMINIST FRIDAY because we’re at a point where calling a girl a feminist is just insulting….and I don’t want to insult the hot braless girls of the internet showing off some TITTY, because I like titty therefore I like them for showing titty off.

Feminist Friday of the Day March 10th, 2023