Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I find it insane to see how many medical workers get naked on the internet….

It’s almost as if they aren’t even medical workers, because I would assume medical workers were really responsible humans with real and demanding jobs who have no time to take nudes between shifts, or on shifts….

I’d think it’d be a high stressed existence, where when you’re on the job, you’re actually working and when you’re off the job, you’re disinfecting all the gross shit off of you….or running your family…or doing other shit that doesn’t involve being nude….

So maybe these medical workers are just girls who go to the uniform store, every town has one, and buy up the scrubs as part of their role play fetish….

They can’t be trained women, working in their field, thinking “so this is it, maybe I’ll take nudes to spice it up”…..unless society has normalized that shit and taken then direction….giving them a taste of fame during COVID…MEDICAL HEROES…and now they’re addicted to the limelight, knowing the only way to matter in a post COVID world is NAKED pics on the internet…

Either way, SLUTS at work, especially SERIOUS work, is hot, except for the whole being exposed to way too much bacteria than a PUSSY ever should, you know, like PARIS HILTON..who even in her marriage and fake pregnancy remains a fucking vile pussied whore to me.


Medical Worker Monday of the Day March 13th, 2023