Jenna Dewan Still Trying to Be Hot of the Day

Jenna Dewan just won’t let up, I guess this is how you get famous or seen when you’re trying to navigate your way into Hollywood as a dancer..

I mean your options are limited as a dancer, not every dancer who hops on a bus to LA to make it in America and to live that dream end up actually being back-up dancers, who meet the right people, who marry the right up and coming star who becomes one of the biggest names…most just end up drug addicted whores doing legit sex work, not the sex work disguised being exclusive and hollywood and not sex work, we know the fucking drill, you can’t fool us with the way you let that cooter get drilled…

Anyway, she is trying to remain hot, well into her 40s, that might as well is her 60s and I don’t know why I post on such a low level, I mean I figure why post on FAMOUS people that people still care about in an era of HOLLYWOOD CELEBRITY being dead, let’s post the basically DEAD celebs no one care about back when they cared about celebs.

It’s a form of self destruction I excel at!


Jenna Dewan Still Trying to Be Hot of the Day March 14th, 2023