Emma Kenney Cleavage of the Day

Emma Kenney is the ugly sister from Shameless, who started out as a kid, so her being a little too Irish looking was what they were looking for, only now that she’s grown up, and is still a little too Irish lookin’..

You know the kind of slob you’d find at the Irish pub with way too many beers in her, rocking a way too many beer body, all sloppy and embarrassing as she throws herself on men who would rather not fuck her, but will fuck her because she’s so drunk and pushy and has tits….

Well, tits are a currency, and Emma Kenney’s got big tits, so the big girl who grew up on TV having tits and using those tits in her content to maintain her celebrity is something, I’m not sure what…

But it is St Patrick’s Day…..so pretty much her time to shine….so let’s let her and her tits have this moment…while we stare at the tits.


Emma Kenney Cleavage of the Day March 16th, 2023