Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Don’t listen to the haters….

Or listen to the haters…

The anti-bully woke mob are the official haters, they’ve all turned on us CYBER BULLIES who I think are perfectly reasonable…

So a handful of teen girls off themselves due to revenge porn, and we all get bundled together in their bullshit “Cyberbullying kills”….

No one ever says that BULLYING saves fucking lives, that BULLYING holds people accountable, that BULLYING tips people off, mainly delusional people off that they aren’t doing the best they can to live the best life they can…..

The reality is that the REAL WORLD, or the world I knew before everyone was a pussy, didn’t reward half asses, and if you let down your boss, your friends, your priest (lol, not in this godless society) down….you get told….you don’t get raises and bonuses…

Anyway, I think Fat shaming is hero work, it’s the way to motivate a fat person from being the worst version of themselves, saying that being lazy over eaters who don’t respect themselves is bad, so get off the fucking sugar and seed oils and do the best you can….you don’t need to be fit, or ripped, but you shouldn’t be comfortable in all that skin…

The truth is body positivity is the devils work and here are some PLUS SIZED for inclusivity since it may be ALL some of you know. ….

Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day March 22nd, 2023