Finally, celebrity wife and aspiring celebrity, who I guess you could argue is a celebrity because she’s got a huge following and makes a ton of money and gets on TV and shit like that which allowed her big tits to shine, which I think are her true talents….living as the host body of the tits…with other hobbies like song, dance, hosting, etc.
Since marrying her celebrity husband, she’s got fit, probably for her official run a pop career in her 30s, but she still had the tits which got her where she got…synonymous with her tits…HOST BODY…you know REDUCE HER TO THE TITS you misogynist.
Luckily, she’s still got her tits, and they are spilling out of her bikini top in these staged paparazzi pics…in a classic tit slip, which I think is so important on a cultural level…