Workout Wednesday of the Day

In a miserable world where everyone’s a fucking communist and feels that everyone should be on equal footing, meaning they hate anyone who is better than them, hotter than them, more successful than them….an army of fat chicks, who we can only imagine have blue hair, are part of anti-bullying groups, living their loser life of outrage have a total lack of self awareness and turn to the fit girls of social media to slander them and basically cyberbully them for being fit an hot in ways NO hot fit person ever did to a fat girls’ account, because why would they fucking waste their time when they are fit and hot…

So yeah, the anti-bullying, communist fat girl who is only happy when people are equally fat and miserable as them, who cries body positivity and inclusivity, so long as you are fat and miserable like them, is out there telling FIT chicks to get fat for equity and equality OR else they’ll eat all their food..need to be challenged to a foot race, not to prove anything beyond how funny it is to watch fat ladies try to run…

Workout Wednesday of the Day March 29th, 2023