Weed Wednesday on a Thursday of the Day

Smoking weed is not just something you do on a Wednesday, I just post the weed girls on Wednesdays, when I decide to compulsively stick to some weird and consistent schedule, like some kind of autistic who can only take a shit at a specific time, on a specific toilet, listing to a specific song.

I never really thought of myself as an autistic, but the sticking to a routine, over and over and over, like doing these gallery posts on a consistent schedule, as if ANYONE comes to the site to see the weed girls on a Wednesday, if anything they are the least desirable gallery post that I do, because some weed girls look like girls who smoke too much weed and spend their days on the couch eating and not showering.

Sure, there’s the occasional hottie using weed as a prop since most people lack creativity and idea, but for the most part, the women are dumpy and the dudes don’t mind, since they are probably stoned too.

The point of the story, Weed Girls are chronic…for everyday, even a Thursday!

Weed Wednesday on a Thursday of the Day April 6th, 2023