Workout Wednesday on a Thursday of the Day


In a world of fat fucks trying to become the socially accepted norm, you must do your part for humanity to exist as a fit bitch, to remind people that you don’t all have to be fat, even though we can all be fat, if we are lazy enough, and a lot of people who shouldn’t be fat are now fat, thanks to being lazy enough.

The fit bitches, the workout girls on Wednesday, on Thursday and everyday are the last of the Mohicans, the dying species of human who we need as a baseline or as a control group to remind everyone that fat is not where it is at, unless you’ve given up, don’t have any self respect and take what you can get.

The workout girls are critical to our survival….or at least celebrating the few people who aren’t subscribed to “be fat, it’s wonderful” when we all know in our hearts it’s nots…especially those fatties with butter pumping through their hearts…struggling up a flight of stairs…

Workout Wednesday on a Thursday of the Day April 6th, 2023