Britney Spears in Front of a Green Screen of the Day

I am of the school of thought in this world of Britney Spears conspiracies, that Britney is no longer with us, that her contract and life has been terminated after her earning potential dried up with her protesting of her handlers….

I figure that or she’s still being handled, possibly medicated and institutionalized….but the Britney on social media is not a free Britney living her rich as fuck life in freedom. All her content is shot in her house or around her house which seems like a pretty luxurious prison to me.

I also know how dumb people are, how brainless they are, how self absorbed they are, that they wouldn’t even notice if they swapped Britney out for a loook-a-like actor or body double, they’d just feed us new Britney for as long as they could until we just accept her as old Britney….it’s pretty easy to trick the masses by just letting them know “this is Britney” and their retard brains will rewrite what Britney is and from that day on that is what they will expect to see of Britney.

Plus, with the whole CGI, face filters, AI, you don’t really even need an actual human who looks like Britney, it can all be done in post production and keep Britney alive in the minds of everyone since that’s our only “touch point” with her….

More importantly, she’s older now, so doing side by side to her old pics have a valid “she’s in her 40s now, people change”….excuse for any sloppiness..

Well, in a recent weirdo soical media post, the popstar we all jerked off to at least once because she’s hot, even with her sloppy tits….is doing a weird medicated creepy dance in the garden, like they’ve let her outside and the flowers in the background just “disappear”….you know because it’s fucking fake backdrop bros….a green screen, an AR/AI filter, I don’t know..

I want to say “That ain’t Britney though”….but I can’t say with confidence that it’s not actually her since I don’t actually know her, her smells or vaginal tastes but I’d be willing to dive in and learn them…

I can say with confidence “that ain’t the background she’s actually in front of”…which may not be a huge scandal, but more fuel to the fun Britney conspiracies we love so much…here’s the video:

The screengrabs with my CUSTOM RED CIRCLES….look at me JOURNALISTING

I have a retardation, well likely a few retardations, but a main annoying retardation, especially for a career in celeb blogging, not that this was ever a career, but you get what I am saying is my Facial Recognition Blindness.

I never really knew it was a thing, but I was never sure people I thought I knew were the people I knew, I didn’t know it was an actual thing until recently, and I just can’t recognize faces. I need other triggers.

It could be from brain damage from alcohol, or fro some terrible bar fights I’ve had, could be something I was born with, but it’s a real thing and EVEN I can tell this is not OG Britney…

She also posted TITTY sweat in a tight dress:

She also posted another weird titty dress:

And some pics…

I know, as we go into WWIII, this is the most important story of our times!

Britney Spears in Front of a Green Screen of the Day April 12th, 2023