Tanline Thursday of the Day

Tanlines generally get me excited because I pretend that it’s some fucking tropical adventure, maybe to a luxury resort with all the food and drink I can handle in some paradise-like setting, with an army of whores that are actually willing to suck my dick, because to be in those kinds of places means you’re rich and whores love rich dudes, they’ll even fuck them free, with hopes of getting paid down the line after the long game….if only he hooses them…

The reality is that tanlines really aren’t all that tropical, girls buy that shit out of the can and it’s likely toxic, not some romanticized sunkiss back when the sun wasn’t villainized…

But it still highlights the good parts and whatever the source of the tanline, having it shown off by these randoms, keeps the TANLINE dream alive and we’re all allowed to have dreams, that’s the seed to making them reality or some shit…

Tanline Thursday of the Day April 13th, 2023