Feminist Friday of the Day

It is probably unfair to label these ladies feminists, because everyone knows there’s so much negativity around feminism now, thank to the outraged blue hairs of the internet appropriating it into something terrible….

Thanks to them, there’s a move to the TRAD LIFE, TRAD WIFE, which as far as I’m concerned is actual feminism. Stay home with the kids, taking care of the family, having some actual purpose, leaving an actual IMPACT on the world through your legacy….but instead they want you to think having a corporate job and cats is the answer.

The only good thing about modern feminism, is that girls use it as an excuse to sell nudes to losers, like they are feminists, man hating feminists and scamming loser dudes willing to pay is EMPOWERING….

These ladies are just girls without BRAS, nothing malicious, political, controversial in that….it’s a fashion statement, it’s tits through shirts! HI TITS through shirts!

Feminist Friday of the Day April 14th, 2023