Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Isn’t there a song called big girls don’t cry, because they are too busy eating?

I figure some of them should probably cry, because of how abusive they are to their bodies.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t be sexualized, anything with tits and at least one fuck hole can be sexualized by the right pervert…

Plus if you’ve ever seen a food addicted over eater at the all you can eat buffet and you hone in on her mouth, you can see just how skilled it is, how trained it is, and how solid it feel on your cock….unlike those skinny pitches who just puke up bile and re-eat it for sustenance, these fatties got strong fucking tongues and smell like baked goods and feces…HOT…

And some of us are into watching a long drawn out suicide, it’s a fetish, right….look how fat they are and how not dead they are yet….amazing….

Clearly society wants us fat, it’s normalized, so if you don’t hop in the fat vat of fat you’re just a FATPHOBIC and that’s shameful and will get you cancelled…

No Fat Chicks Allowed….is now NO SKINNY CHICKS ALLOWED….get out of her hotties, there’s a new species in town and they’re large…and easy to outrun, not so easy to escape once they mount you, but you may like that.

This is my FAT inclusive post…JERK OFF TO IT for the WOKE and for the INCLUSIVE….

Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day April 19th, 2023