Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Some of you sick fucks may still jerk off to childhood memories of sucking on your mom’s tits, you know since it was the last time you sucked a tit because the hookers you hire find sucking on their tits too intimate and prefer you to just take them from behind until you finish, because looking at you makes the whole transactional sex worse…

Some of you sick fucks may still jerk off to childhood memories of watching your mom breast feed your siblings, but that’s probably more to do with a mommy issue, where she let you down along the way, or loved you too much which didn’t prepare you for the world of female neglect. I’m not a shrink, I don’t know how these things work.

Some of you sick fucks, may be like me and into staring at women who breast feed in public, now more than ever thanks to social media activism empowering them to pull their tits out in public, which never really seemed to be an issue, since tits have been breast feeding in public as long as I can remember, but sure, we’ll let them do their whole FREE THE NIPPLE thing, why the fuck not, I’m on board.

It’s just a little weird when the girls breast feeding, who you used to sexualize, which would make them mad….licking your lips with erection in pant while they do the most human / mammal thing they can do with their spawns…are now sexualizing the shit, like using it as an upsell…or a paywall on their exclusive sites…

I guess the world is distorted when women pretend to fight to pull the tit out to feed their kid like nature intended, when really they are just using the kid as an excuse to pull the tit out, because they like being jerked off to.

What a world….of perverts!

Milky Boobs Monday of the Day April 24th, 2023