Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I think my biggest flaw as an internet content producer, who really just pulls other internet content producer content and run my mount on how shit it is, since it’s a low impact way to produce internet content, without actually producing internet content, which takes a level of shamelessness and annoying that I just don’t care enough to have…

But yeah, the biggest flaw I have is that I didn’t realize people actually thought this site was a porn site, because it’s not porn to me, but the general advertiser, the ad network, google, and the mormon web developer I tried to hire, along with about 5-10 other web developers, ad sales people, marketing people, actual content creators, and so many other people along they way think it is…

I mean worst porn ever is still porn I guess….So when I see milky tits being sexualized, I just see it from a higher level societal perspective, like hey people love tits and this is what the women fighting to free the nipple really wanted…to be jacked off to.

I do it for the LOLZ yo….and the tits, but mainly the LOLZ…

Milky Boobs Monday of the Day May 1st, 2023