Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Tiny Tits are titties too.

I feel like I don’t have to say that, but I get called a queer for liking tiny tits, because when actual closet cases see tiny tits, they think of dudes….

Which I guess would be like being called a queer for liking to eat pussy, since real men don’t eat pussy, what are you some kind of faggot….only most faggots are scared of pussy and don’t eat pussy, as it terrifies them, so eating pussy is probably not as gay as it sounds to closet case bros…

I am a firm believer that tiny tits pack a big punch in a small package and I am committed to the endorsement of tiny tits in this world of big tit obsession…

Which I guess is pretty outdated, now that thinks like SI use fat, trans weirdness for empowerment…like they do their casting in the Walmart checkout line, you ghetto low class, low standard fucks…


Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day May 2nd, 2023