Mom Bod Em Rat Cow’s Handbra of the Day

You gotta give it to mom Em Rata as she preps for Mother’s Day because she’s a mom, by being rumored to have 12 different boyfriends since her divorce, seeking out the ultimate Stepdad for her number 1 priority……

But yeah, you gotta give it to her for being a not so hot girl, that had a set of hot tits, that she managed to turn into an empire….thanks to social media…

There are a lot of hot girls and hot tits out there, but none have been able to do it quite as well as Em Rata…they all probably want to be Em Rata, but no one has pulled it off…and that’s saying something…I’m not sure what….

What you’d assume should be an OnlyFans model begging for subscribers, does fashion shoots, that are a little on the gutter and not so fashionable side, like this one of her grabbing tits, but despite being a 30 year old mom, people are still into and excited by her, and with a bird face and a terrible public persona of being a miserable feminist who hates men and the people who helped her become what she is…you know the kind of person you’d think no one would want anything to do with despite the fans…she still matters.

I respect that and not just because she’s got her awesome tits in a handbra, but it helps…

Mom Bod Em Rat Cow’s Handbra of the Day May 4th, 2023