J.Lo Foot Fetish of the Day

I will forever think the foot fetishists of the world are fucking strange, but I appreciate their commitment to the cause, because with their passion, obsession, that if it was wrongfully appropriated, you know like if they put that kind of love and appreciation and obsessive compulsion into something else, could be pretty fucking criminal, but feet totally harmless.

So yes, I will forever think the foot fetishists are weird, but I will forever be grateful for the foot fetishists for encouraging so many girls to monetize their content for sexual perverts, seemingly harmless, but it gave them a taste for the selling of nudes, and because of those motivated creeps with disposable income, we’ve got COUNTLESS women selling nudes today.

It started with the bikini pics, then came the feet bros, to have every normie and their mother producing porn….what a great world to be in! One filled with heathens to jerk off to without requiring much effort. Magical.


J.Lo Foot Fetish of the Day May 8th, 2023