Stefania Ferrario Bush of the Day

This girl is some activist who positions herself as a plus sized model, with a name like FERRARIO ROCHER, the hazelnut kings of the WORLD and owners of NUTELLA, she’s likely from EUROPE where they consider this size plus sized….you know after a lifetime of dipping into the family supply of chocolate nutty spread goodness….

In America, this is what FAT chicks wished they looked like, if they aren’t too propagandized and manipulated into thinking FAT is wonderful…

In America, this is what dudes forced to fuck fat chicks, which is most of you, if you can even get a chick, wish fat chicks looked like…..

I mean the WALMART brand monstrously obese girls who dress in internet stripper gear are about 4 times the size of this model……

So from an American perspective, her fat-baiting, or being in FAT-FACE to have an angel or to get ahead is hard to buy into.

Sure, she’s chubby or thick, but in a proportionate way, she’s not in a wheel chair, mobility cart, missing her feet, with scars all over her body from her legs rubbing together, or her belly being stretched halfway to the floor….

She’s not getting cast to be in some 1000 pound sister show, or my 500 pound life, she’s probably not even 160 pounds….which is really WHAT I appreciate about her, MAKE fat this size again…..WE NEED IT for the health of the world….

I also like the bush, since I’ve been a bush endorser forever, half this site from the day I started is about my love for bush and all the reasons why bush is great, so now that the trends have circled my way, I’m glad to be staring at bush……her tits round and proportionate….overall….she’s almost appealing for a fatty who eats too much NUTELLA….


Stefania Ferrario Bush of the Day May 12th, 2023