Irina Shayk Bikini Models of the Day

Irina Shayk’s in this bikini photoshoot that I am going to assume is recent because why the fuck wouldn’t it be. In an era of constant stream of smut there’s no going back in time to reflect on smut that once was. This is not a Dickens novel on SMUT where the GHOST of SMUT past comes to haunt us and show us what our life was, to ground us….

That’s for old pics of nudes from various women who have sent us nudes over the decades, or if we’re lucky, that we’ve taken during the years we had sex, because it’s nostalgia we can relive, it was OUR life experience..

Not for the people of the internet who we don’t know, who we never fucked and who make lucrative livings being hot and half naked, at least not while they are still marketable as hot chicks, for the now old, rotten or dead, you can jerk off to the archive…

Irina’s still go it and is categorized as one of the ones who need to keep the steady stream coming like a diabetic who drank a big gulp and forgot his meds…and this is it that she’s got..

It’s good enough for rich guy’s to knock-up, because it’s top tier, so it’s good enough for us to stare at for a minute or two, you know for Mother’s Day and a reminder that NOT all mother’s rot, especially when they are Russian spies who rely on their looks for intel….

Irina Shayk Bikini Models of the Day May 15th, 2023