Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

I like to think that the only reason Zuckerberg owns half of Hawaii with his data mining platform that people don’t mind having their data mined from, is all because of the bikini…

There’s the idiotic rationale that people have about data mining, which goes a little something like “I have nothing to hide” or “they are watching me anyway through my phone, so why not just let them make billions off our backs”….not realizing that the DATA mining is not only invasive but the same data that has trained the AI to be smarter than you….

But that’s just the power of the bikini….

I remember an ongoing bar conversation I’d have when the SMART PHONE first happened, or when I first got mine, which was probably 5 years after the first smart phone happened, where I would say “imagine I told you that I’ll give you a device that listens to everything you say, reads everything you write, knows everything you search, every site you visit, every porn you’ve jerked off to, every woman you’ve said inappropriate things to while drunk, ever picture you’ve taken, every location you’ve been, including your current location” you’d think I was crazy, now people are buying this shit for 1000 dollars…..but hey, it will allow women to take and post more bikinis, which means you can view more bikinis, so it’s worth it…

Basically, we’ve given up our freedoms and live in tyranny all thanks to swimwear and I’m almost OK with it, cuz swimwear is HOT..

Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day May 16th, 2023