Weed Wednesday of the Day

I typically find girls who produce weed smoking content, either clothed or nude pretty trashy, but that’s probably because I’ve had sex with crack whores and watching girls suck back on joints or pipes or bongs like it’s their lifeline, so into it that they produce content for it, brings back those SMELLS……which isn’t fair to these weed smoking girls just out here producing weed smoking content for the weed bros who are way too into weed to jerk off to.

It’s a weird fetish…but maybe people like getting high, maybe people only get fucked when high, maybe girls are easier when high, more laid back and malleable, maybe guys think a medicated bitch, like roofied bitch, but with weed not anything creepy, even though I don’t think you can really get that high, just gets the fired up.

I am probably a hater because I hate hippies, those COMMUNISTS and my memory of any weed activists in my life has been the annoying hippies with their head shop shirts…not hot chicks…but losers who thought weed made them cool when nothing could make them cool…so again…my own bias against a perfectly legal substance to level yourself up or numb yourself down…so why not make it a prop in JERK off content….because to weed people, each weed ingesting moment is CEREMONIAL…a ceremony best served NAKED.

Weed Wednesday of the Day May 17th, 2023