Camila Morrone is the child bride who I guess never actually married Leo DiCaprio, and probably never even fucked Leo DiCaprio, I heard he’s a little like Clooney and not so into the biological VAGINA owners, not even the young ones, if you know what I mean….
She is an aspiring or I guess you could say Actress since she has an IMDB….who was raised in the industry thanks to her mom being imported from Brazil or some fucking Guatemala type place to fuck celebrities like Al Pacino or DeNiro, they are pretty much interchangeable…before her daughter was passed onto their little boy toy Leo….as a prize or task to handle her or launch her career at a higher profile than “rando insta thot”…
I don’t know if her being with Leo really helped since no one who matters gives a shit about has been bloated celebs….if anything she didn’t do her big tits a favor in their prime years of being used to gain audience….BUT then again, she gets to strip down for things like CR BOOK, or other publications becasue she’s officially ONE OF THEM….instead of thirstily trying to be them…some STUCK in the desert GIVE ME WATER ….I AM DIABETIC and always pissing THIRST LEVEL trying to be them….so maybe the Leo CUM is the answer…
You can see the whole shoot HERE ….I only post some below because PHOTOGRAPHERS are scumbags who sue me, EVEN THOUGH I AM HELPING THEM WITH THEIR MARKETING!
Either way, here’s some FASHION baby…