Tanline Thursday of the Day

Oh god, did I leave Padma’s thong ass as the top post on the site for like 24 hours because I gave up on the stepLINKS last night in order to watch SURVIVOR and I didn’t really feel compelled to revisit the site until about 4 minutes ago because you bring me nothing but burden, headaches and limit my true talents of being a professional tap dancer in the subway station who can’t tap dance…

You see all this time put into such a dumb thing that hasn’t brought me ANY opportunities, just hate from the people I love, like Lindsay Lohan 15 years ago….

So I punish YOU passive aggressively with PADMA THONG…

Anyway Pandma is not the only turd floating in the Indian Ocean, a lot of women seem to be getting outside, or sprayed down in their pod with chemicals, to give us all the TINELINE porn we need to remember that TANLINES are hot, sometimes trashy, sometimes just fit and healthy, sometimes just fat pasty bitches who went to the waterpark and their skin’s never seen the sun but always HIGHLIGHTING THE GOOD PARTS….NATURE’S HIGHLIGHTER!

Tanline Thursday of the Day May 18th, 2023