Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

The call them pussy lips for a reason people, it’s because they do the fucking eating….

It’s the vagina dentata without the teeth, just gumming away at the tight pants being pulled up into them, so that random strangers can see the pussy print, it’s the cleavage of the era, because women are feeling threatened on a hive mind level by the trannies moving in and replacing them, and the only thing they have to win the closet case men with too much testosterone from the estrogen in their water is the pussy…

It’s the pussy chronicles, the vagina monologues, the each pussy has a story to tell, and the fact that their is womb should LURE men into want to breed with them, not just creampie them, but actually breed with them like their tight pants are trying to do, because that’s the POINT of humanity, to SPREAD the SEED, to KEEP the LINE GOING….idiots…

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day May 24th, 2023