Tanline Thursday of the Day

Here’s some tanlines to remind you that grey skinned, half dead, medicated, lifeless, disgusting, near death, poorly nourished, screen tanned, empty, vaccinated, chronically ill, unhealthy can be made to look better with one of those stripper supported spray tan people….

Getting out in the sun they are trying to dim, that they tell you is going to kill you, in order to sell billions of dollars of products, despite the sun being the lifeline for nature since the dawn of time, literally….is CRAZY…

SO don’t get out there in it….BECAUSE IT WILL KILL YOU….according to the demons running the show for profit….

OR do get out there, just be sure to have skimpy clothes on so we can see NATURES or chemical highlighting the good stuff when you strip down for the internet…and by you I don’t mean you…I mean hot chicks, which you aren’t…

I do this for the pussy bro..

Tanline Thursday of the Day May 25th, 2023