Tanline Thursday of the Day

I may not be seen as a fashion icon, but in a world where the Kardashians are fashion icons, I don’t need that bullshit list….but it would probably be lucrative, especially since everyone dresses like a homeless pile of dirtbag dog shit now….I missed my calling…

But I can say with confidence the hottest trend of all time, one that bitches carry with them at all times, is the tanline…

So whether they are smearing chemicals on their body due to fear of the sun thanks to brainwashed mind control, or if they are actually out in the sun being active half naked, the TANLINE brings the boners and here’s some tanlines bringing the boners….because boners are the meaning of life…no homo….without them…no more humans…so it’s just science you queers.

Tanline Thursday of the Day June 1st, 2023