Lea Michele Bikini Tuck of the Day

During the height of GLEE, when Lea Michele was shoved down all of our throats despite having never seen an episode of Glee, yet here I am decades later still remembering the busted down broken down looking asymmetrical face that didn’t belong on TV, who is only known from being on GLEE…..

But yeah, during her peak, I was convinced she was a tranny, who was put on puberty blockers at a young age, so that she’d end up with a long lasting career, and not losing her singing voice that they knew was a money maker for the family, as she’d never have it crack like Joe from NKOTB…and I’m sure most of the other boy bands who hit puberty that aren’t little bitches like Justin Timberlake…

Anyway, the idea of puberty blockers and all that shit is pretty much everywhere now, they are coming after your kids as they turn them all into THEYS when THEY is a weird construct of man, not female or male as they try to tell you while they fight with logic and truth.

So at the time, I was pretty progressive for calling it out because you wouldn’t see 4-5 trannies or THEYS at the grocery store on any given day because the indoctrination and hormones in the water hadn’t really taken hold…..

Now, it’s like 80 percent of kids are doing the LEA MICHELE switch-up, but back then, they just believed she was a chick, that her pregnancy was real and I’d be like “DON’T YOU SEE THAT FACE THOUGH?”….

Well, she’s on the beach, in swimsuit, showing her masculine ass, dick tucked up it we assume, but can’t tell because she’s smart enough to LONG SWEATER this shit…

Isn’t it fun to reminisce. NOSTALGIA..


Lea Michele Bikini Tuck of the Day June 7th, 2023