Tanline Thursday of the Day

Nature’s highlighter or some shit…..

Literally….some shit…..

Because you know that somewhere, probably in prison, or some institution for the mental retards, there’s a girl who isn’t allowed out into the sun, who has seen the Kardashians and only has access to her own bodily fluids to get that glamorous look….

Or it’s not actually shit shit, but chemical shit, because the world is scared of the sun and are convinced it causes cancer, but the chemical shit you smear on yourself to protect yourself from the sun doesn’t…and either does the shit you smear on yourself to give the effect that you’ve been out in the sun…SON…

SO I’ll smear shit on my to protect me from the source of all life, only to SMEAR shit on me to look like I’ve been kissed by the very same source of life…OK?

Maybe we’re all just a bunch of mental retards and LIFE IN GENERAL is the institution…..

MAYBE I don’t care either way, because TANLINES are hot..

Tanline Thursday of the Day June 8th, 2023