Fishnet Friday of the Day

It’s Friday, a great day to go fishing and when you don’t live near any body of water, or when women in the park don’t find it cute when you try to entrap them with a giant net because you’re a playful romantic and you know that in this high estrogen era, a little caveman masculinity of taking what you want can go a long way, at least in theory….

As it turns out those women of the internet saying “where are all the real men” don’t actually like THAT kind of REAL man….

But the good news is that some of them, not just the goths cross dressers, but everyday hot chicks, FISHNET themselves like old hookers working a brothel in the COWBOY era, so there’s that….

NETTING fetishes can exist, you just can’t take the lead on them….which works since none of us are really self starters around here, now are we?

Fishnet Friday of the Day June 16th, 2023