Workout Wednesday of the Day

In a world trying to make you a fat slop, too lazy to do anything, to estrogen filled from the birth control in the water, the hormones in the food, the fat in your gut, from eating all the junk foods made of chemicals while sitting indoors staring at a screen…..

It’s nice to see some bitches who workout…..because strong bitches are what we all need to get our lazy asses through it, or at least to get our lazy asses fucked, so that we don’t have to do any of the work due to fear of a coronary….

Working out bitches are the reason all you married men should join the gym, pretending that you’re trying to get fit to your wife, pretending to the gym staff that you’re trans woman and need to use the women’s lockerroom, so that you can jerk your trans pussy off in the shower as the fit bitches change after you watched those fit bitches work out…

I got all the good ideas…

Workout Wednesday of the Day June 21st, 2023